How To Create a Form with jAPS 2.0.10
How to create a Form, in few steps, in a jAPS based Portal through the back office entity engine. This video is for portal administrators and is based on jAPS version 2.0.10.
How to create a Form, in few steps, in a jAPS based Portal through the back office entity engine. This video is for portal administrators and is based on jAPS version 2.0.10.
Abbaiato da
12:05 PM
How to create a new content type through the jAPS back office entity engine.
A Content Type is a summary of the Attributes useful for a Content.
This video is for portal administrator and developers and is based on jAPS version 2.0.10.
Abbaiato da
9:54 AM
How to publish a content, in few steps, in a jAPS based Portal through the back office.
This video is for portal administrators and is based on jAPS version 2.0.10.
Abbaiato da
11:20 AM
How create a content through jAPS back office in few steps.
In jAPS the "content" is a set of information (Content Attributes) organized in a structure that define the "Content Type". The contents shall be considered only as pure information, not contain indications of how the information will be displayed.
This video is for editors and portal administrators and is based on jAPS version 2.0.10.
Abbaiato da
4:43 PM
Ms. Mouna Sghaier, of the Department of Computer Science of El Manar Tunis University, in collaboration with Jasmin Conseil, a french company of Mr. Karim Djaafar, partner of jAPS project, carried out a degree thesis based on jAPS Open Source project. Prof. Samir Elloumi (TSP) was the supervisor of the thesis titled "Design and Development of the jpTagCloud plugin for jAPS collaboration platform”.
The project, not only meets the needs of Jasmine Conseil (a company that provides services using open source software) but it also a contribute to jAPS open source project.
The project was developed through three different phases: study of jAPS platform to acquire basic knowledge to develop a new plugin, development of the "jptagcloud" plugin according jAPS standards, integration and testing of the plugin in a jAPS based portal.
The "jptagcloud" plugin, integrated in a jAPS based portal, allows to authenticated users, to define the keywords related to a specific resource, and to organize existing tags. The plugin also provides features to create a "cloud" of keywords that represents the tags used in the portal. This allows users to know the most important portal topics, simplifying the navigation.
The project was realized with the collaboration of Rinaldo Bonazzo of Agiletec S.r.l., jAPS Partner.
Abbaiato da
3:06 PM
Tzente welcomes you to take advantage of our "Getting Started with jAPS 2.0 Platform" public course, available for both new and existing users.
The course is provided by Tzente and will be held in Cagliari by certified trainers on 26 and 27 July and on 17 and 18 September. The course is designed for users who want to acquire basic knowledge on jAPS 2.0 Platform.
The course highlights the tools that the platform provides to developers to create customized portal solutions, intranet and web application.
For more information and to register for these class visit jAPSPortal.
Abbaiato da
6:17 PM
Presentation of jAPS 2.0 Ecosystem by Walter Ambu, CEO of Tzente, during the event "Free software: a community for a new business model", held in Cagliari, on the 10th of June 2010.
The video is made by Sardegna Ricerche.
Abbaiato da
5:03 PM
Leave this world a little better than you found it.